Servermanagement with puppet – Part 3

In the 3. part we confgurate the puppet clients to reports at the end of every configuration run. This reports are stored on the puppetmaster.

Configurate client

Enable reporting on the puppet client „/etc/puppet/puppet.conf„:

report = true

Configurate puppetmaster

Activate reporting on the puppetmaster“/etc/puppet/puppet.conf„:

reports = store,log,rrdgraph

Note: See reporttypes below. (reports)

You need a entry in the „/etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf“ file: (Create this file if it not exists)

allow *


The option log sends the log entries from transaction reports to syslog. You can controll the destination facility with the „syslogfacility“ option in the puppet.conf file:

syslogfacility = user

This is the default option of puppet reporting. The reports generated by the client will be send to the master and stored as YAML-formatted files in the report directory (/var/lib/puppet/reports).
You can change the log directory with the „reportdir“ option in the „puppet.conf“ file:


This sends log messages via e-mail.

tagmap = $configdir/tagmail.conf


Note: You can specifiy tags to sort messages to different recipients.

The rrdgraph option generates RRD files, graphs and some HTML files to display those graphs.
To use this option you have to install „rrdtools“ and the ruby rrdtool.

aptitude install rrdtool librrd-ruby

You can change the log directory with the „rrddir“ option in the puppet.conf file. The ‚rrdinterval‘ specifies how often RRD should expect to receive data. This defaults to $runinterval so as to match how often clients report back to the master. The option ‚rrdgraph‘, turns on RRD graphing if set to true.

rrddir = $vardir/rrd
rrdinterval = $runinterval
rrdgraph = true

Note: RRD Reporting doesn’t work on Ubuntu. There are missing libraries and other files.

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