VMWare Workstation / Player Installer 6.5.3 Hangs

The installer of VMWare Workstation (and Player) hangs on Ubuntu Karmic 9.10.

„Cause: the installer runs vmware-modconfig-console which produces enough output with some kernels that the python engine deadlocks is command piplining during the compile.“

You need 2 consoles.

In the first one type:

sudo -i
while true; do killall -9 vmware-modconfig-console; sleep 1; done

In the second one start the installer:

sudo ./VMware-Workstation-6.5.3-185404.x86_64.bundle --ignore-errors

Note: Replace the bundle file name with your product (32-bit version for example).


After the installation stop the command in console one with „strg+c“ and type:

vmware-modconfig --console --install-all

Now the installation is finished and you can use the installed VMWare product.


I found this workaround in the VMWare community forum: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/228949

VMWare Downloads: http://www.vmware.com/products/

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  1. Danke sehr!

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