Adding an additional local storage to an existing XENServer

Add the new physical device „/dev/sdb“ as second local storage to an existing Citrix XENServer installation:

(Note: I use XENServer 5.6)

xe sr-create content-type="local SR" host-uuid=(uuid of your xenserver host) 
type=(ext or lvm) device-config:device=/dev/sdb shared=false 
name-label="Second local storage"

The command returns the UUID of your new storage repository (SR).


xe sr-create content-type="local SR" host-uuid=d06d7c86-08af-4f87-9188-bd287daac20b 
type=lvm device-config:device=/dev/sdb shared=false name-label="Second local storage"

If you want to set the new SR to the new default SR:

xe pool-param-set default-SR=[YOUR NEW SR UUID]  uuid=(uuid of your xenserver host)

Notes: You can use „pvdisplay“ to lists all physical volumes.

[root@xen2 ~]# pvdisplay
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/sdb
  VG Name               VG_XenStorage-6b9fe5d2-bf6c-d776-dfb0-743f5b1f397c
  PV Size               596.17 GB / not usable 7.79 MB
  Allocatable           yes
  PE Size (KByte)       4096
  Total PE              152617
  Free PE               150561
  Allocated PE          2056
  PV UUID               jKstcw-WSWy-EOWn-NUlq-fdM6-SwEC-eHwJSL

  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name               /dev/sda3
  VG Name               VG_XenStorage-714f456f-7b1e-da9d-9022-153ebaec6cdc
  PV Size               588.17 GB / not usable 6.31 MB
  Allocatable           yes
  PE Size (KByte)       4096
  Total PE              150568
  Free PE               145772
  Allocated PE          4796
  PV UUID               U0Docl-IzMr-L7s0-nGCA-hTyQ-sHdk-2lVtJ2

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