Change DNS-Server in XenServer 5.6 FP1

Citrix removed the change DNS from their console. But to change DNS-Server in „/etc/resolv.conf“ are not solid settings.
If you reboot the server the settings will be changed back to the initial configuration.
You have to change it with „xe pif-reconfigure-ip“.

Change DNS-Server

First use

xe pif-list

to get the UUID of your PIF. You get an output like this:bekommt man die UUID seines PIF.

uuid ( RO)                  : PIF-UUID
                device ( RO): eth0
    currently-attached ( RO): true
                  VLAN ( RO): -1
          network-uuid ( RO): NETWORK-UUID

You can view the current configuration of the interface with „xe pif-param-list uuid=PIF-UUID“.

To change the configration use the following command:

xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=PIF-UUID mode=static IP=IP-ADDRESS netmask=SUBNETMASK gateway=GATEWAY DNS=DNS-SERVER

Note: Use „DNS=DNS-SERVER-1,DNS-SERVER-2“ to specify more DNS-Servers.

Check your configuration with „xe pif-param-list uuid=PIF-UUID“.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for posting this! Lifesaver: Setting up XenServer 6.1 nodes as XenDesktop clients for graphics passthru: While the XS interface asks for DNS input and allows one to provide it, when choosing „DHCP“ for the desktop in the next configuration pane, DNS input is replaced by what XS believes should be the name resolver? Not surprisingly then; network ping tests fail to resolve. Was able to update the DNS using your most excellent advice and the issue is resolved.
    Not sure why Citrix removed the „Change DNS“ option from the XenServer configuration utility…but that is for another day. Thanks again!

  2. I should add that once XS decides what your DNS should be, there is no turning back! Even if you choose static configuration, the DNS entry cannot be modified.

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