Racktables Extension 0.3.1

Racktables Extension 0.3.1

Small update of my racktables extension:

Fixes and new features:
– Fix: Variable Bug with new PHP versions
– Fix: Custom Report now saved as UTF-8 char
– Fix: Blade locations now complete
– Feature: Custiom Report now with type column
– Feature: Custiom Report now with container column
– Feature: Custiom Report now with contains column

Tested with Racktables 0.20.5

Download Current Version: racktables_extension_v0.3.3.tar.gz (4506 Downloads )

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Installed on 0.20.6

    I have added my path of created plugins dir

    $racktables_plugins_dir = ‚/var/www/html/racktables/plugins‘;

    To secret.php, if not plugins not loaded

    Thanks for your work

  2. hi, we test your newest extension with racktables 0.20.5, it just works perfectly. We can easily export data which contain custom fileds. Thank U very much~~~~

  3. hi,

    It work with racktables 0.20.3. thank you very much

  4. Good evening.
    Thank you for making a good plugin.

    Therefore, the installation instructions in the README document installed but not working properly.
    I accept the tar.gz were installed after decompression of the official website

    The accompanying README document has confirmed During normal operation the installation as the source file for the github.
    I hope the next version of the Installation Guide Installation Procedure named as the official website of the tar.gz file for instructions or installation method also works only at github.

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