Racktables Extension 0.3.3

Update of my racktables extension:

Fixes and new features:
– Fix: Fixes Bug in custom report for Racks, Rows and Locations
– Fix: Changed directory structure
– Feature: Added variable CSV Delimiter

Tested with Racktables 0.20.10

Download Current Version:

Attension: New installation procedure with version 0.3.3

Move all the contents of the „plugins“ folder into the racktables „plugins“ folder:

$ cp -r plugins/* /usr/local/racktables/plugins/

This enables ALL reports.

You can remove or add them by adding or deleting one of this files:

For Server Report: server-report.php
For Virtual Machines Report: vm-report.php
For Switch Report: switch-report.php
For Custom Report: custom-report.php

Don’t remove the other files !

Available on GitHub, too:


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