Monitoring VMWare vSphere with Grafana and Telegraf

Monitoring VMWare vSphere with Grafana and Telegraf

  1. Collector Configuration

You need the latest Telegraf version which includes the vSphere Plugin!

On Ubuntu or Debian you can get it with:

sudo dpkg -i telegraf_1.14.5-1_amd64.deb

Now add the following lines to your ‚/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf‘:

### VMWARE ####

## Realtime
instance [[inputs.vsphere]]
interval = "60s"   
vcenters = [ "https://VCENTERSERVER/sdk" ]   
username = "USERNAME@vsphere.local"   
password = "PASSWORD"   
insecure_skip_verify = true   
force_discover_on_init = true   
# Exclude all historical metrics   
datastore_metric_exclude = ["*"]   
cluster_metric_exclude = ["*"]   
datacenter_metric_exclude = ["*"]   
collect_concurrency = 5   
discover_concurrency = 5 

# Historical 
instance [[inputs.vsphere]]   
interval = "300s"   
vcenters = [ "https://VCENTERSERVER/sdk" ]
username = "USERNAME@vsphere.local"   
password = "PASSWORD"   
insecure_skip_verify = true   
force_discover_on_init = true   
host_metric_exclude = ["*"] 
# Exclude realtime metrics   
vm_metric_exclude = ["*"] 
# Exclude realtime metrics   
max_query_metrics = 256   
collect_concurrency = 3

2. Download Grafana Dashboard

You can download the dashboard from:

After downloading import it into your Grafana installation.

3. Piechart

This Dashboard uses the Piechart plugin for Grafana. You can install it with:

grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel

4. Screenshots

If all works you should see something like this:

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