Install Ubuntu on DELL Latitude ST Tablet
NOTE: It's all testing and not stable! Try at your own risk! Attention:Achtung The GMA600 graphic hardware acceleration is not working ! 1. InstallInstallation You need USB-Hub, USB-Keyboard and an…
NOTE: It's all testing and not stable! Try at your own risk! Attention:Achtung The GMA600 graphic hardware acceleration is not working ! 1. InstallInstallation You need USB-Hub, USB-Keyboard and an…
The serverDer Server I start with a default installation of Ubuntu server (11.10 in this Howto). Install Nginx Install software to add PPA: aptitude install python-software-properties Add Nginx PPA: nginx=stable…
Testing XenServer filesystem performance on plain hardware and the difference between EXT and LVM. How To Change the Default Storage Repository to EXT3 HardwareHardware IBM Blade HS21 2x Intel(R) Xeon(R)…
Ubuntu Green Prompt for your user Edit ''~/.bashrc'' and change: #force_color_prompt=yes to: force_color_prompt=yes To change it for all new users make the same in ''/etc/skel/.bashrc''. Red Prompt for root Edit…
Create Linux Live USB Stick with UNetbootin. Easy way to test a lot of other linux distributions or play around with some system utilities. You can install the following OS…
Encrypt your USB Stick with cryptsetup or TrueCrypt on Ubuntu. 1. Use cryptsetup 1.1 Install cryptsetup: aptitude install cryptsetup 1.2 Setup cryptsetup volume: Unmount the stick and format it: umount…
After uprade to Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot i get the following message during the system boot:Nach dem Update zu Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot bekam ich folgende Meldung wärend des Systemstarts:…
To all other system adminstrators "HAPPY SYSADMIN DAY !" and, of course Sources:
Sun wants you to agree to its license before installing the JRE/JDK. For an unattended install you need a preseed file. You get the content of this file with "debconf-get-selections…
Install new broadcom driver on Ubuntu or Debian: 1. Download Linux driver 2. Unpack unzip cd Server/Linux/Driver tar vfx netxtreme2-6.2.23.tar.gz cd netxtreme2-6.2.23 3. Install build tools and install…